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大家在看开局万倍地图,苟到天荒地老 武道长生从内丹术开始 系统赋我长生,活着终会无敌 梦中修行,从凡人到至高 斩妖除魔从龙象般若功开始 人在诡异世界:我面板武圣 开局金风细雨楼主,一刀惊天下 妖魔世界:开局成为一条狗 大明:重开一万次,开局吸功大法 洪荒之鸿蒙世界树 
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第1章 唐夜

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On cloud nine, there is a battle going on. The winner is the Lord of all worlds, and the loser goes into nine layers of purgatory!

A strong man dressed in gold and silver armor and a man dressed in blue Xuan clothes confronted each other.

"Oh! I am tired! Stop it! From today, you will be your God, and I will go to my purgatory! Let's rule out! I admit defeat! " Wearing gold and silver armor, he simply jumped out of cloud nine and entered the nine-story purgatory!

Finally, as the sky changed color, lightning flashed and thundered. The war ended before it started! Because of him, give up!

The sky has changed back to its original color again, which may be just a short moment for Tsing Yi men; But for him, it is a full hundred thousand years!

Now, after nine loneliness, he is colluding with the superior demons and struggling to attack the weakest part of the nine-story purgatory. In this purgatory, one hundred and eight superior demons, each using their own strength, attack this barrier like madness!

The superior demon can't kill by using the power of God's domain, and can only seek new power. Otherwise, God's domain will inevitably be doomed!

For God's sake, he chose to die bravely!

But in order to survive, destroy his mother's nine layers of purgatory!

After a persistent attack! Finally, the nine-story purgatory opened a hole ...

"Whoo!" A young man wearing gold and silver armor stepped out of the black fog with one foot, and sighed with a sigh: "It took me a whole hundred thousand years to finally e out!"

"Damn Lu Qingtian, let Laozi suffer for 100,000 years. I will find you to calculate this account clearly sooner or later!"

He raised his right arm and pointed his index finger at the sky, posing a very overbearing momentum: "Since I am back, my first step is to travel all over the world, destroy the demons and return to the realm of God!"



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